Using FlipGrid for facilitating at a distance

I’ve been trying to create asynchronous communication with FlipGrid for facilitating at a distance. I chose FlipGrid because it is free and does not require the patron to have an account. I like that the librarian and patron can record or upload a video to communicate. Patrons can also share their projects with the FlipGrid group via video.
For example, one of my recent programs involved building ramp walkers. I put together take-home kits with guides and a link to my Ramp Walkers topic on FlipGrid:

I also had a virtual open-ended project with Scratch that had kids making a character of themselves in a coded, animated sketch. I made a short tutorial/make-along vid to show how I edited my own photos to add them to my Scratch project: This program also had a FlipGrid topic where patrons could submit video questions or project ideas:

So far, I’ve had little response from patrons with the use of FlipGrid. My library has been reopened for about 7 weeks now with limited services and shortened hours. It might take a while for the word to spread or to get patrons using FlipGrid.

I’m currently editing make-along videos for a few project ideas using to create sounds and theme music to add or remix in Scratch games. And I’m also creating a FlipGrid topic for this virtual library program.


I wanted to share some informative resources for anyone thinking about using FlipGrid for facilitating library programs at a distance.

This Wakelet collection has a LOT of helpful links about getting started with FlipGrid:

And this is an example topic of how I’m currently using FlipGrid:


Hey Dave, thanks for sharing this resource with us! I had never heard of it and it seems like a great tool to use right now, and I think it’s awesome that they have automatic captioning for the videos. Let us know how your experience with FlipGrid & these programs went!

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Love this! It reminded me that I was planning on a library wide choose your own adventure program using a ppt another librarian created AND…I bet re-creating this sing flipgrid would be a cool remix. Thanks for the inspiration! I thnk we are going to try this with an adventurous high school librarian and her kids.

here is the google drive link that first gave me the idea.


This is a really cool idea, Blayne! I like how the slides have links to different parts of the adventure. And some direct the reader to find a librarian (or teacher?) to get the next segment of the story. Very cool!

We are thinking of trying this for teen read week maybe? If that is even a thing this year.