Howdy fellow forumers! I’m guessing most of you saw this in the PLIX newsletter, but I wanted to share the announcement here, too:
PLIX is running its first ever four-week Facilitating Creative Learning online course, starting the week of April 26, 2021. During this month of interactive professional development, you’ll gain the skills and confidence to start facilitating creative STEAM programming for your patrons.
Below are some more details, and you can learn more and sign up on our website. Looking forward to seeing many of you online this spring! And of course, invite your colleagues/friends/enemies you want to impress/any fellow public library professional!
Who is this course for? Public library professionals interested in creative learning and STEAM programming.
When is it? The 4-week online course will begin the week of April 26, 2021. We plan to spend about eight hours total together—some in shared time together, but mostly asynchronous.
What can I expect? We’ll dive deep into the design choices of all three stages of any hands-on STEAM workshop: before, during, and after. With peers nationwide, you’ll develop your facilitation practice and leave feeling prepared to offer patrons PLIX activities—and other creative learning activities of your own design.
Why should I participate? Librarians are increasingly asked to lead educational programs with emerging technologies. At PLIX, we feel it’s important not just to get new tools into the hands of patrons, but to cultivate a learning environment where they can experiment and create with technology.