After doing this activity, it helped to reflect on how to implement it with learners of different ages. It helped to open up some dialogue on mindfulness eating habits, from likes to dislikes, textures, sounds, smells, etc.
Sonic Seasoning would be a great program to implement during the holidays, especially for ESOL learners. Talking about favorite foods could lead to a broader conversation about cultural traditions.
After the session, I thought about how a program like this might be challenging for library customers who are food insecure.
Sonic Seasoning would be a good program around the holidays! I like your perspective on how it can open up the conversations to other cultures - it’s another form of encouraging peer learning! It could be a challenge to those that are food insecure but hopefully by building a bond with patrons, we might be able to model curiosity and confidence - helping alleviate some fear.
From today’s Seasoning Sonic Seasoning workshop, we tried different ways to explore and express the sound of foods! Here are some ideas to try Sonic Seasoning in your library!
**Boxhead diner—**with a box that can fit your head, decorate the inside / outside of a box to isolate the sound of eating! You can add lights, colors, and other things to the inside for a unique dining experience. Making holes for eyes is optional. Explore how this influences the frequency of sound. Do crunchy snacks sound sharper or duller inside?
**Hear me crunch—**Using paper cups (or regular paper rolled up into a tube), explore how covering your ears while eating can influence the sound of food (and crunching!). Try putting different materials in the cups to see whether / how they affect the sound. What are other wearable ways to change the sound experience of food?
**Sensory enjoy-o-meter—**What are the different categories or scales of your sensory experiences of food? Add your own ideas for your favorite and least favorite foods. Bonus: Have a friend guess what the food could be!
**Mix and Match cards—**Create your own cards for foods and sensory experiences. What senses will you use? What foods will you include? Mix and match sensory experiences of your favorite and least favorite foods. What do not go together? How might you change your favorite foods to be something you don’t like? Or change your least favorite foods to be something you do like? Bonus: add doodles to your cards!
I’m obviously a little late to the party but we just ran this one here. Used a lot of the great reflections I found here! But I have an important, groundbreaking discovery to share. I present to you the most important distinction in our foods. Upon giving some of my more youthful participants the flexibility to come up with their own…my suggestions were ignored and the ever important “fish v. pizza” was created
No anchovy pizza that I’ve ever seen, but the other adult patrons and I were joking about one local pizza option of “The Snowshoe” which is a white cream sauce pizza with crab on it. I think that’s the fish-iest pizza we get.
As far as the bears interest, oh man, I think their scale would be “fresh” to “dumpster diving.” I know people love videos of squirrels doing incredible feats to reach bird feeders - but the world is missing out on videos of bears getting into “bear proof” containers. I suppose some folks might not find it as cute when the end product is a completely destroyed food cooler though. They certainly get creative!